
ライトスクリプト:MAIL Postfix local delivery

個別のライトスクリプトを日本語化してみます:MAIL Postfix local delivery

MAIL Postfix local delivery

#!/bin/bash -ex
# Copyright (c) 2008-2011 RightScale, Inc, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

backupfile_time=`date +%H%M%S`
cp $postfix_file $postfix_file.$backupfile_time

if [  "$RS_DISTRO" ==  "ubuntu" ]; then
if [ "$(lsb_release -rs)" == "8.04" ]; then
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive"; apt-get install -y sysvconfig
echo "Using Ubuntu default main.cf config"
# Make the changes needed for centos
sed -i 's/inet_interfaces = localhost/#inet_interfaces = localhost/' $postfix_file
sed -i 's/#inet_interfaces = all/inet_interfaces = all/' $postfix_file

# Replace everything after the localhost. This assumes that the last host entry is
# The host that this script added. If there are other hosts added to this line by
# some other script then this will break. A specialized script must be written to
# handle this case.
sed -i "s/^mydestination = \$myhostname\, localhost\.\$mydomain\, localhost.*$/mydestination = \$myhostname, localhost\.\$mydomain\, localhost\, $EC2_LOCAL_HOSTNAME/" $postfix_file
service postfix reload